AgriTrust is a cutting-edge, blockchain-enabled Web3 ecosystem designed to revolutionise trust and transparency in the agricultural industry.

Unleashing Transparency

By harnessing the power of blockchain technology, AgriTrust provides stakeholders throughout the supply chain with an immutable record of a product's provenance, location, and life history.

Accelerating Decision-Making

AgriTrust revolutionises the food supply chain by leveraging blockchain technology to enable faster decision-making, access to new markets, and build trust with consumers through tangible evidence of food quality and safety.

Cultivating Transformation

AgriTrust is poised to transform the agricultural landscape, ensuring integrity, sustainability, and accountability in every step of the food production journey.

AgriTrust is built on the principles of ecosystems, consortiums, and digital identity, fostering collaboration, shared governance, and user control. Interoperability enables seamless data exchange, while data management ensures integrity and privacy. With a strong focus on risk and compliance, AgriTrust creates a secure and trustworthy environment, revolutionising the agricultural industry with trust, transparency, and sustainable growth.


AgriTrust ecosystems are decentralised networks comprising interconnected applications, protocols, and services built on blockchain technology. These ecosystems promote collaboration, innovation, and value creation in a trustless and transparent manner. By leveraging smart contracts and distributed ledger technology, AgriTrust ecosystems empower individuals, eliminate intermediaries, and foster the creation of decentralised autonomous organisations (DAOs) and other groundbreaking applications.

Trust Anchors

Trust Anchors play a vital role in the AgriTrust ecosystem, replacing the concept of consortiums. These trusted entities act as foundational pillars, providing credibility and assurance within the network. In AgriTrust, Trust Anchors serve as authoritative sources of trust and validation, ensuring the integrity of transactions, data, and participants' identities. By leveraging their expertise and reputation, Trust Anchors foster a reliable and secure environment for participants, promoting transparency, collaboration, and shared governance. Through their active involvement, Trust Anchors contribute to building trust among stakeholders, facilitating seamless interactions, and driving the transformation of the agricultural industry within the AgriTrust ecosystem.

Digital Identity

In AgriTrust, digital identity within the Web3 ecosystem incorporates the responsibility of Trust Anchors to validate the participants' digital identities. This ensures individuals have complete ownership and control over their online identities and personal data. Leveraging blockchain technology, AgriTrust enables users to securely create, manage, and verify their digital identities without relying on centralised intermediaries. This self-sovereign approach empowers individuals to selectively share their personal information, maintain privacy, and establish trust across various platforms and applications. By placing control in the hands of users, AgriTrust promotes greater autonomy, security, and control over their online presence in the ever-expanding digital landscape.

Industry Messaging

In the AgriTrust network, we have introduced Messaging Channels as a replacement for the concept of interoperability. These versatile channels allow for seamless and secure data exchange among participants, facilitating efficient communication and collaboration within the agricultural industry. Industry channels are open for subscription by anyone in the network, enabling widespread access and fostering broader industry engagement. Additionally, AgriTrust offers the flexibility to create private channels, allowing channel owners to manage and control access, ensuring privacy and exclusive collaboration opportunities within their designated channels. This dual approach of industry-wide and private channels caters to the diverse communication needs and preferences of participants in the AgriTrust ecosystem.

Data Management

Data management plays a critical role in the AgriTrust ecosystem, emphasising the responsible and efficient handling of data within decentralised networks. With the proliferation of blockchain technology and the increasing volume of data generated, proper data management ensures the integrity, security, and privacy of user information. AgriTrust requires robust data management practices to maintain transparency, enable traceability, and ensure compliance with privacy regulations. Effective data management in Web3 empowers individuals with control over their personal data while fostering trust, enabling secure transactions, and facilitating the development of innovative applications and services within the decentralised landscape.

Security & Compliance

Security and compliance are paramount considerations within AgriTrust, ensuring the integrity and trustworthiness of the ecosystem. AgriTrust places a strong emphasis on implementing robust security measures to protect sensitive data, transactions, and identities from unauthorised access or malicious activities. By leveraging blockchain technology, AgriTrust establishes a transparent and immutable record of transactions, enhancing audibility and facilitating compliance with industry regulations. With a focus on security and compliance, AgriTrust provides stakeholders throughout the supply chain with the confidence and assurance that their data and transactions are safeguarded, enabling them to operate in a secure and compliant environment.